Leadership Catalyst Blog

Lessons in Leadership Legacies via Peyton Manning and Shaun White
Motivation, Vistage Peer Groups / 13.02.2014
Many of us were disappointed in the quality of the 2014 Super Bowl Game, but undoubtedly none more so than Bronco’s quarterback Peyton Manning. Common sense says it’s not fair to judge a career by one event, but popular culture seems programmed to only remember the big wins and losses. The real legacy can get lost; namely the often invisible influence and impact one’s action and character had on others throughout the career.
A fan who understands what legacy is really all about out reached out to Manning through a letter in the Denver Post. Laurie Lattimore-Volkmann shares, why Manning’s legacy was secure well before Sunday’s game. Click here for the one page letter written from the perspective of a mother and a life-long Broncos fan.
Shaun White won back to back half pipe snowboarding gold medals in the Torino and Vancouver Olympics and he was the favorite coming into yesterday’s finals in Sochi. White ended up finishing just off the podium in 4th place, but he was gracious as ever in congratulating the winner. Kare11 just ran a neat story that illustrates the profound impact that Shaun White has had on a local Twin Cities boy. White’s 4th place finish in Sochi will make him no less of a hero in Jet’s eyes.
Take a moment to reflect on your legacy as a leader in your company. What would your people say about you? What one thing would you like to change starting today?